It was supposed to be a 15 tonne crane but a 30 tonne whopper turned up. No problem, it has rear wheel steering and so managed to get into the site when so many trucks failed; did some damage to the lane on the way in mind you but we will get Peter to flatten it back out with his big digger.
And that arm is only half out!
Joining the rafters
The last piece goes on.
We started work at 8am lifting the 75 x 250 rafters and 75 x 200 purlins into place. It was quite a challenge and it meant many many trips up and down the scaffolding frames for Andy, Jeremy and myself but we had the majority of rafters up by lunch break and topped it off shortly after 4pm. If you look closely at the time-lapse you will see how the structure takes shape. The lower rafter continues through the central wall and joins the higher rafter about 1/4 of the way down its span. That not only triangulates the structure (meaning that it won't move in line with the rafters) but also effectively reduces the span of the higher rafter down from the rather large 8m. A couple of these joints caused some fitting issues but nothing that you can't fix with a little tug from a 30 tonne crane.
It was a beautiful morning but watch for the rain - we got rather wet in the afternoon!
Quite a party assembled to watch the action today with family members and friends dropping by so we all had a good lunch with some special carrot cake made by the girls.
When the crane had neatly stacked itself away, we lead it out of the site to the north (rather than taking the sorter route to the south) and the drive managed to trim quite a few hedges on the way but otherwise escaped with no reversing and no hassle. A little tidying up after that and it was day over.