Thursday, 23 September 2010

Final battening

We ran out of the stainless steel screws for fixing the battening and we ran out of staples for securing the insect mesh to the battening but Jeremy managed to finish adding the last of the battening to the South wall whilst Andy and I started chopping the cladding to length. Hopefully it will suddenly appear on at least a couple of walls tomorrow.

Apologies for the quality of the images - contrast was a bit out on the camera

Kingspan have called to say that a truck is leaving Yorkshire at 4am tomorrow morning so that it will arrive mid-morning. Unfortunately that truck doesn't have a Moffet on the back (the mobile forklift that you see on the backs of some big lorries) so another lorry is going to meet it here. That means that I have to guide TWO 40ft articulated lorries down our narrow lane and it will really block the road for a while. Odd that it takes them a minimum of 5 weeks to make these panels when you order them but that miraculously they can make them over night when they need to.